Get your team to be the first to comment on social posts

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What should you do? Get your team to be the first to comment on social posts!

Role: Editor
Impact: Low
Difficulty: Low

Social media is filled with posts that have no engagement at all. In most cases, your post will be seen by your followers who don’t want to be the first to engage. That first like or empty comment section can be very daunting to jump into. But your team works hard to create social content and it’s a shame to leave them unloved because no-ones willing to take the first step. 

Social media amplifies engagement

It’s difficult to get social engagement sometimes. It’s hard enough to get your followers to engage with your social posts, but this is compounded because people rarely want to be the first to comment on an empty post and an empty social channel can look like you have no social following at all. So what can you do? Obviously only posting content people are desperate to engage with would be the best solution, but it’s difficult to do that all the time, and sometimes you may need someone to get the ball rolling. In this instance we recommend asking your team to get involved with you on social media, and make those first Likes and comments to give others the confidence to join in. 

How to get your team to be the first to comment on social posts 

Appeal to your teams to be involved

If you want your team to engage with your social content it’s important they don’t feel coerced into it. Let them know the reason you’re asking, and that you would appreciate their involvement and ask for their support. It may be only one or two members of your team, but if their involvement can score you some extra engagement with your following, it’s worth doing.

Offer guidance on engagement you prefer

When appealing to your team for engagement, it is good to be specific about the type of engagement you want. Do you just want likes? Are you happy for comments and engagement that show off your staff’s personalities? Or do you want very sanitised and simple engagement that won’t stifle future engagement. Be upfront about what you want, and be sure it follows your strategy.

Send out previews or notifications of posts to staff

You can maximise your team engagement with your social posts by keeping them up to date with your social media campaigns in advance. This will give them a chance to consider their engagement a little more and plan accordingly. 

Make them feel included in your social output

The best way to get your team engaging with your social content is to make them feel included. You can do this in a number of ways. Talk to your team to get them involved with content creation, if possible use their ideas for content. Post content focused around your team, including celebrating their successes inside and outside of work. We’ll end here as we’re moving into a wider social strategy.  

Pro tip to: Get your team to be the first to comment on social posts 

Start the engagement within your team, mention your current members and your prospects to draw them into the conversation. No-one wants to start a conversation but answering questions, giving opinions and commenting on others’ comments is what social media is best at. 

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