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Make sure that you have a Gmail picture

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What should you do? Make sure that you have a Gmail picture!

Role: Editor
Impact: Medium
Difficulty: Low

Using a Gmail picture for business purposes can help create a professional, approachable, and recognisable online presence that can benefit your business in a variety of ways.

Digital Marketing best practice, add a picture

Use a professional Gmail profile image

Using a Gmail picture for business purposes can have several benefits, including:

  1. Personalisation: Adding a picture to your Gmail account can help personalise your communications and make it easier for your contacts to recognise you.
  2. Professionalism: A professional and appropriate Gmail picture can help establish credibility and build trust with clients and colleagues.
  3. Branding: If you use a logo or other branded image as your Gmail picture, it can help reinforce your brand identity and make your emails more recognisable.
  4. Consistency: Using a consistent Gmail picture across all your online accounts and communication platforms can help build brand recognition and reinforce your professional image.
  5. Engagement: A friendly and approachable Gmail picture can help encourage engagement and make it easier for people to connect with you.

Overall, using a Gmail picture for business purposes can help create a professional, approachable, and recognisable online presence that can benefit your business in a variety of ways.

How to add or change your Gmail picture

  1.  On your computer, open Gmail.
  2. At the top right, click your Profile picture, then select Manage your Google Account.
manage your gmail profile
  1. On the left, click Personal info.
Google account details
  1. On the right, under ‘Photo’, select your Profile picture. Your profile picture displays.
  2. Follow the on-screen prompts to choose or take a photo.
  3. Click Set profile photo.

Warning: If your admin turns off this feature for your organisation, you may not be able to change your profile picture.

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